Sunday, June 15, 2008

Greetings from Fairbanks

We absolutely loved Fairbanks and have some pics to show of our stay here! We got here on Thursday and only planned on staying a day or two, but ended up staying until Sunday. There was nothing really special about the town, it was more about the people. Everyone we met was so friendly and carefree. We enjoyed meeting people and getting to see what the locals do.
The first day we got there, Dustin met a musician named Nate at a coffee shop in town. He told us that there was a good bluegrass band playing at a local bar, The Marlin (picture below-this was taken at midnight). They were really good and we enjoyed listening to music and people watching :)

The next day, we were at the same coffee shop and saw a flyer for some free Siberian Husky puppies that were oh so cute. For a second we thought we might be able to get one (not sure what we were thinking since we still have about 2 months on the road and have no idea what were are doing when we get back...not to mention I already have a dog). We ended up calling the lady and going out to her house to see them. This picture is of her sled dog team. How cool is that!
And the sled that the dogs pull...

Me and Homer. This was the cute one that we were going to get.
I don't believe I've ever seen this road sign in Arkansas
This is a muskox. I didn't even know they existed.
We went for a bike ride on the UAF campus, which was very cool.

They had a botanical garden at the university. We walked around and then had a picnic there.

On Saturday, we rode our bikes down to the local farmers market, which we heard about from the sled dog lady. We had the absolute best falafels and raspberry tea ever. Besides hitting up the falafels and raspberry tea at the farmers market, Hot Licks (local ice cream shop) is a must if you go to Fairbanks.
Dustin and his falafel

After the farmers market, we headed to Pioneer Park. A lady I met at the farmers market told me about a folk festival that was going on. It was neat because we kept hearing of things to do from the locals. None of it was really anything too special, but we enjoyed experiencing some local flavor. The folk festival was the BEST place to people watch. We both just sat there and took pictures the whole time, so here are some of them we took...

This picture was taken at about 2 am. This is about the darkest it gets at night. It's starting to mess with us a little.

So far, Fairbanks has ranked up there on our favorites. Alaska is a place that everyone should visit if they get a chance. It's really neat to see how truly diverse our country really is. Alaska is a good reminder of that.

1 comment:

betsyhollandclark said...

hello, from your aunt betsy! you guys have totally encouraged me to be excited about traveling. two blog highlights: first, nellie, that yellow blouse is soooo cute! second, got such a giggle (which translates to a belly laugh for someone else), over the smiling goat. oh, ok. photography really good and amazing landscapes and wildlife. can't wait to see you guys. WARNING: it's now 112 degrees. oh, the fun.