Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Grand Tetons/Yellowstone National Park

So, we're in Missoula, MT updating our blog with our Yellowstone pics. There's a lot of them because it was incredible! We saw lots of wildlife (which was my favorite part), waterfalls, geysers, and hotsprings.

Male moose we saw right outside of Jackson Hole, WY

Then right after that, we saw a female moose that made it very clear she was not scared of humans
Our campsite outside of Grand Teton NP and me with my Real Simple that my sister so graciously sent to me :)Beautiful Grand Tetons...we didn't get to see much of Grand Teton NP because we were short on time and ready to get to Yellowstone. It looked really cool as we drove through!
And we're here! When we first saw Lake Yellowstone, it was covered with ice.

A hot spring with beautifully colored mineral deposits at Biscuit Basin

A bubbling geyser at Biscuit Basin. These geysers are everywhere!
All of these are geysers or hot springs of some sort...
This was a hot spring with colorful mineral deposits running into Firehole River, which Dustin flyfished in and I'm so mad I didn't get a picture of it!
There are tons of elk and bison in Yellowstone along with lots of other wildlife. We even saw a wolf! It was entirely too fast to get a picture of though.
The ice receding on Lake Yellowstone

And the infamous Old Faithful, which was cool but we were kind of wondering why it was so famous since there are so many other cool things at Yellowstone. I guess you don't see a geyser everyday, much less one that goes off every 90 minutes.

Yeah, I start looking pretty rough by about day 3 of not taking a shower... Thanks, Mom for letting me know it :) I've come up with some pretty creative ways for taming my nappy hair without frequent showers.
We couldn't hike any further b/c Dustin had sandals on and there was lots of snow on the trail...

Lake Yellowstone again. We thought it was quite pretty and very close to where we camped, so it got lots of pictures taken of it.... By the time we left pretty much all of the ice was gone.

There were tons of pretty waterfalls at Yellowstone
We got sick of taking boring pictures, so Dustin thought he'd spice it up :)

These bison seriously couldn't care less if there are humans around or cars behind them...They just continue about their business which consists of eating lots of grass and that's about it.

This picture was not taken with zoom...That's how close this dude was to our car. These things are actually pretty ugly once we got upclose and personal. They are amazingly huge though!
A grizzly bear and her cub (which you can't see very well in this pic)! We have some cool videos of this for any of you bearlovers out there-Bob and Jules...It was incredible watching this bear from about 100 yards away. If you ever want to see a bear, go to Yellowstone in May. We decided our trip to Yellowstone was complete even if we didn't see anything else.

Mineral deposits from Mammoth Spring in northern Yellowstone

Bison were kind of a dime a dozen we realized. They were everywhere! But, these little calves were so cute.

A beaver that we thought was a bear when we first pulled over. If there are a lot of people with cameras there is a good chance there is a bear nearby...This time it was just a cute little beaver.
After some last minute fly fishing at Yellowstone, we left the beautiful park. I highly recommend it for any of you who are planning family trips.
After we left, we started driving through Montana and realized just how expansive the West really is. It was such a beautiful drive with lots of countryside.

Tomorrow we are headed to Glacier National Park in northern Montana. It is supposed to rain the whole time, so pray that we won't get too wet camping!


Anonymous said...

This was my favorite so far! How exciting your trip has become! Well, it always was, but it will only get better.

Yay for Montana - it was on my list of things to see/places to go in N. America; now it jumped the list to top 5.

dustin vail said...

It's my favorite, too. Nell did a great job. I don't know if our pictures will tell, but I think Glacier National Park is gonna be better. We think it is in person anyway...

Unknown said...

You have some amazing pictures from this trip. I hope you're having a blast!!! Holla anytime! Jonathan