Friday, May 2, 2008

in fayetteville till monday/tuesday...

hi ya'll.

well, we know that we haven't updated very well. that's because while we were in charlotte, nashville, and indianola ms, we didn't have a computer. now that we're home, we transferred our pictures to our computer yesterday in hopes to update this blog, but our computer crashed. so, we'll hopefully get some good blogs up soon.

due to our flat tire in alabama, we had to get a new tire put on. because walmart was the closest and only place at the time, we got the right size of tire and called it a day. apparently with all-wheel drive vehicles, you need pretty much the same exact tire. so, i ordered a tire today (friday) in hopes that it gets here by monday or tuesday... whenever it comes in, that's when we're off to oklahoma city.
after okc, we're then off to great sand dunes national park, then rocky mountain national park, then to southeast utah. we'll be in touch soon..

much love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know i can't afford to call you every other day. and i KNOW you had internet capabilities in yukon. and i don't want to be pushy or demanding..let's look at it more as "accountability." pretend we have a shrink sitting in the proverbial room encouraging me to express the thoughts i'm about to here goes:
you guys suck at posting. post more.
okay count to 10, inhale, exhale, and respond..