Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back on the road...

Sorry for the delay in blogs. We haven't had good internet service. I guess there is a lot to be updated since the last post!

On the road (the first time):

We left for OKC on May 8th to visit Dustin's granparents and Grandmoi and Stan. We had a great visit with both of them. Lots of good visiting, good shopping, and good eating. You can always count on that at our grandparents. We didn't take hardly any pictures while we were there. We did take one of Dustin and I with Grandmoi and Stan at the Jazz Club, which we enjoyed so much. A night full of Hideaway Pizza and Jazz-it doesn't get much better than that!

After OKC, we headed to Denver. We ended up staying with Terah's college friends. They were so sweet to make us dinner and give up their bed for us! We really enjoyed hanging out with them.

The next day, we got the call that Dustin's aunt had passed away, so we headed back to AR to be with his family. We ended up staying there until Friday and then headed back to Fayetteville to hang out with the families. We had fun spending some last minute time with my fam and then spent Sunday with Dustin's family going on a motorcycle ride down the pig trail, which we really enjoyed! We took off again on Monday. This time our take off was pretty anticlimatic :)

We got to Denver on Monday evening and stayed with Terah's friends again.

Night view of downtown Denver

Tuesday, we headed to Boulder for the day. We rode our bikes around town, which is a great way to see places. We are REALLY glad we brought them. Boulder has lots of cool shops, which I thouroughly enjoyed. However, Dustin did not. He did enjoy being outside in beautiful 75 degree weather! He had a strawberry/nutella crepe, which lifted his spirits :)

Sweet picture of me on my bike in Boulder :)

After we spent an afternoon in Boulder, we headed to Estes Park. The drive was beautiful and we enjoyed riding our bikes around the town in Estes Park. We even encountered a herd of elk. Dustin got about 5 ft from one! It was pretty surprising how tame they were!

The hotel in the movie Dumb & Dumber

These elk were getting on their hind legs and fighting/playing with eachother

In Estes Park, we were looking for a spot to camp and hiked up to this beautiful view. We thought the Sube could make it, but decided against it since we've already had 1 flat tire on the trip...

Our first meal campfire style-spaghetti and green beans.

We left Wednesday morning and headed for Aspen. We tried to drive through Rocky Mountain National Park, but we were two days early and they were still closed for the season. Aspen was a cute little town, but a little expensive for our budget. They had stores like Gucci and Prada if that gives you an idea. We enjoyed riding our bikes around town after a day in the car.

Bighorn Sheep that we saw on the way to Aspen. This is for you, Mom and Dad :) We didn't even need the binocs for this one!

On the way to Aspen...

Close to Maroon Bells (also closed due to off season)

Our first bear sighting...See I'm not scared of bears :)

We stayed in a cute little ski town in Snowmass, CO. All of the camping areas were closed due to the fact that there was still snow on the ground, so we stayed in a hotel.

The drive to Utah was beautiful. It is crazy how much the mountains change as you go through western CO and into Utah. We drove down scenic 128 that runs along the Colorado River.

Our first views of the desert of Utah...

Colorado River...we'll be rafting this tomorrow!

Yesterday, we went to Canyonlands National Park. It was not the ideal weather for hiking-38 degrees and raining/snowing. We got some short hikes in and got to see some incredible views.

Supposedly, a dinasaur track... who knows??

After the Canyonlands trip, we went on a mountain bike ride through the desert. It was pretty cool with views of Arches NP.

Grandmoi, this is for you. We've been wearing our helmets :)

Today, we are going to Arches NP to hike and tomorrow we are going white water rafting on the CO River and mountain biking at Klondike Bluffs. We'll update soon!


lindsey said...

way to update folks.. just for the record you know i love you if i read your blog! nell, love the new rain jacket- looks swell. and a litte fact for ya'll (if your trying to keep your information factworthy ) .. snowmass is the home of the disabled veterans winter sports! now you know something new that probably only i could tell you :) miss you guys!

Ernie Boudreaux said...

Way to update. We've been blessed to be a part of the trip through this blog, keep up the good updates. The helmets are a good idea, yes I agree with Grandmoi, and your face shows the same dismay you did when I use to try the helmet schpeel when riding the's your only head. Hope the Sube and the bikes are staying in good repair. We enjoyed Maria and Juan and family for a BBQ Sunday. Denise, Dennis and Emily came over Monday. Hog-eye Ramblers rehearsed the DDR jingle. I am hoping we can use it for radio spot in June. We had 10 dogs boarding Sat-Mon.!!! We miss you loads. Tell the Olgires we said hello.