Friday, May 9, 2008

And the roadtrip continues...

After Augusta....

(Here are a few more pics of our trip to visit Lins just for kicks)

Nice pose. I think I'll submit that to GQ :)

We headed to Ocean Isle Beach to visit Dustin's Aunt Marcia. We didn't take any pics of our visit here :( We need to get better about taking pics every stop we make. I think that's my job. Oops. Anyway, we had lots of fun visiting with Marcia and Kim and just relazing. We got an afternoon at the beach, which was great.

After Ocean Isle, we left for Charlotte, NC to visit my cousins, the Pinckneys. We had so much fun spending time with the cousins. We ate lunch with Eleanor and Amanda, so that was neat seeing their school and meeting their friends. Dustin got to play some Xbox NBA basketball with Thomas, and I'm pretty sure Thomas beat the pants off of him. Amanda, Eleanor and I took on Dustin and Thomas in a basketball game. The girls dominated that game. Sorry boys :)

Eleanor and I

The pictures wouldn't be complete without one of Woody!

Amanda, Me, Eleanor

Dustin giving Amanda a piggy back ride

Thomas made $5 at his lemonade stand!

Dustin & Thomas aka Ernie

Connell (my 2nd cousin) was so sweet to give us a tour of Uptown Charlotte. We went to the Discovery Museum, which had an incredible Norman Rockwell exhibit! That evening we went out with Connell and Dank and some of their friends for Dank's birthday. It was so fun getting to meet their friends and we got some great info on where to go in the Pacific NW!

Connell times two :)
This is my favorite Norman Rockwell painting. Someday when I actually have a home, I'm going to have this painting in my house.

Dustin and Dank
We had so much fun in Charlotte and absolutely loved the city! We are definitely putting Charlotte on the map for possible places to live. Thanks to the Pinckney's for the wonderful hospitality!

Next, we headed to Nashville for the long awaited Country Music 1/2 marathon. We met Ken and Cindy Eddleman there and had lots of fun spending the weekend with them in Nashville. Friday night the boys checked in for the marathon and we got to walk the strip and experience a little of Nashville. The marathon was lots of fun. A little crowded with an extra 25,000+ runners and all the spectators in the city, but still fun. They had a band at every mile marker and lots of spectators cheering them on. Cindy and I slept in a little and caught them crossing the finish line. Ok, well she did. I was too busy taking pictures of other things (or people) and missed Dustin crossing the finish line :( I'm easily distracted.

We went to Tootsies and heard some music. Thanks to Elizabeth for the great suggestion!

Right after they crossed the finish line! They made their goal with a minute to spare. Way to go, boys! This one is for you, Cindy. And 1 of many reasons why I'll probably never run a marathon. Yuck. Also an example of why I might have missed Dustin crossing the finish line... I'm proud of you :) And you too, Ken....

To be continued...


E4McCain said...

OMG u guys have the BEST blog ever and it wuz sooooooo cool how u posted the one about Charlotte. nice job meeting ur goal dustin. hope u have a great rest of the road trip!!!!!

eleanor p.

E4McCain said...

hey its amanda and ur blog is rockin awesome keep making sooooooo cool

amanda p.