Thursday, July 31, 2008

Coastal Redwoods

Apparently, if you head south out of Oregon, you run into California. So, while we were there, we decided to stop by and see the tallest trees in the world... the Redwoods.

Nell cuddled up in a huge tree.

While in the Redwoods, you really get a sense of how tiny and un-powerful you really are.

...and I'm a big boy.

These trees are huge. The tallest one in Redwood National Park is 379.1 ft.

Me climbing on the root system of a fallen Redwood...
Look at this Redwood... maybe the biggest one we saw.

John Muir said that these are the greatest trees in the world... Nell agrees.

On the coast in Crescent City, CA. Cold, but beautiful.

We even found a tree we could drive through.

Nell resting on a root during a hike
After the hike, we decided to drive down and ride the coast on our bikes to fern canyon.

We ventured from the road and decided that we might try the beach. But it was too soft, so we turned around and settled for the road.

In fern canyon. I love this picture of Nell. 1) her face. 2) her posture. 3) the wall of ferns behind her.

On the way back from the canyon. It was a really pretty ride.

We saw this on the side of the road and decided to dedicate it to Da-Me.

Why wouldn't you build a house out of a tree that big?
After this, we headed down to Sonoma county, but ran back into the coastal redwoods (Muir Woods) just north of San Francisco, where we are now... so we added them on this blog, though they are out of chronological order...

"This is the best tree-lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world." - John Muir

If you look close, this tree has a ton of moss on it.

Again, we these trees are massive, but we learned that though they may be 200 ft tall or more on average, their root system only goes about 10 ft deep. The roots 100 foot spread makes up for it.

On our way out...

...from the Muir woods area. That's actually the opening of the SF Bay and on the other side of those rocks is the famous Golden Gate Bridge...
We're pumping these blogs out to catch up. Thanks so much for checking in on us. We hope you're enjoying it.

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