Tuesday, April 22, 2008

from ocean isle beach, nc

Hi all,
We're in Ocean Isle Beach, NC right now and it's the first blog. We haven't had a computer so far, but let us catch you up on what's gone on...

Day one... Fay to LR/Conway, AR

We got to see some of Nellie's college friends and my cousin and her husband and new baby.

Day two... Conway, AR to Augusta, GA

It was a 13-hour drive. What'd ya expect by the end?
(actually, we were bored and just took pictures)

We went to go see one of Nellie's college friends, Lindsey, who works at the VA in Augusta. It was a 13 hour drive and during the middle, we had a little mishap...
Side of the road somewhere in NW Alabama.

We're not sure exactly what happened, but we hit something and it put a hole in the wall of the tire. We were in Hamilton, AL, between Tupelo and Birmingham.

While in Augusta, we tried and tried to get a picture of Augusta National golf course - where the Masters is held. Couldn't do it. Dustin took a run by it and then we drove around and around and couldn't see it from any angle. We also went into a grave yard that backs up to it in hopes there is a hole in the trees to see the course, but we couldn't find one at all. All we got was a picture of the small sign and a picture of Magnolia Lane. The fact that it was so exclusive, made it that more tempting. Here are some pictures we got:

The only sign indicating the entrance to Augusta National.
The gate was open and you could see down Magnolia Lane.
At the very end of it are the yellow flowers in the shape of the US.

That same day, we also went to the VA hospital where Lindsey works and met some of her clients. We met one Mr. Baker who told us stories when we fought in the Invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. We felt very honored just to meet a man who not only fought in BOTH of the major events, but also survived them. It was quiet an experience.

Us three at Rae's Coastal Cafe. GREAT food.

Day three... a field trip to Asheville, NC.

We got up early and took a drive to Asheville, home of the Biltmore Estate, a 36-acre farmers market, and much more. We had a great day and it was a very beautiful town lying in the southern Appalachians. Here are a few photos from our time there:

So, we got there and went straight to the Biltmore. It was $45 a person to get in to see the actual house, and we weren't in the mood, so we took a picture of the sign out front.
And the tulips at the entrance.

A shop Nellie and Lindsey enjoyed.

Asheville downtown.

We worked our way up the mountains and got a good picture.
You can't see it, but there are some big mountains above past the town. Our camera just couldn't capture them...

Afterwards, we drove back to Augusta.

Day four... from Augusta, GA to Ocean Isle Beach, NC

We went to see Dustin's Aunt Marcia. We arrived around noon, spent some time in Myrtle Beach and then headed up. We're now into day five, and we've enjoyed our time hanging out, beaching it (a bit) and just enjoying the east coast.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we'll head to Charlotte, NC to see Nellie's cousin Connell and her family. Then we'll head to Nashville, TN on Friday, then to Indianola, MS on Saturday or Sunday. Check back soon, and we'll keep you updated as best as we can. Thanks for checking in on us....

Friday, April 18, 2008

road trip

hey all...

this is our blog site. we just started it, so we will tidy it up a bit.. but we at least wanted to make you guys aware of where you can find us. we'll post pictures, stories, and our next legs of the road trip as this thing unravels.